Restarting my blog is kind of like stepping out of a six-month whirlwind of loan forms, catalog records, and acid free tissue paper. I am not entirely sure where to begin. It's even more difficult because I cannot actually blog about what I do at my job. Working for a metropolitan government museum there are very strict rules about social networking sites. Everything must be approved and double-approved, so rather than go through that mess of paperwork I think I'll continue my adventures by sharing tales of my brave exploits to other museums and my opinions on major developments in the museum world. Maybe even some fun tales about exploring Nashville, TN.
I apologize for such a long delay. Moving to Nashville and settling into a new job and making new friends has taken up the vast majority of my time, and it's all been so wonderfully exhausting. In six months I have gained so much more work experience and engaged in several new amazing projects and activities. I've coordinated loans and gone on my first courier trip and installed exhibits and deinstalled exhibits and went to AAM and joined a book club and gone swing dancing and run a 5K (well, I ran most of it). Whew!
So here we are at the continuation of an adventure. Sit back and enjoy the read.